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How Librarians Can Save the World in 15 Ways

What if I told you that librarians are superheroes in disguise? You might think that I am exaggerating, but it is true. Librarians are not just people who lend books, they are also agents of change who can make a positive impact on the world in many ways.

In this article, I will show you 15 ways that librarians can save the world, from promoting literacy and education, to preserving cultural heritage, to fighting misinformation and censorship, and more. You will be amazed by the power and potential of librarians, and how they use their skills and knowledge to make a difference.

Libraries and the librarians

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Before we dive into the 15 ways that librarians are making the world a better place, let us first get some basic information about Libraries and the librarians, and why they are important and valuable for individuals and society.

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What are libraries?

Libraries are places where people can access and use books and other materials that contain information and knowledge. Libraries can also offer other services, such as lending, reference, interlibrary loan, etc. Libraries can be of different types, such as public libraries, academic libraries, school libraries, special libraries, etc., depending on their purpose, function, and audience.

Libraries are essential for learning and education, as they provide people with the resources and opportunities they need to acquire knowledge and skills. Libraries are also essential for culture and history, as they preserve and share the legacy and diversity of humanity. Libraries are also essential for access and opportunity, as they provide people with the information and services they need to improve their lives and well-being.

Who are librarians?

Librarians are people who work in libraries and help people find and use information and knowledge. Librarians can also have other roles and responsibilities, such as cataloging, reference, instruction, collection development, management, etc. Librarians can also have different specialties, such as children’s librarians, medical librarians, law librarians, etc., depending on their expertise, interest, and education.

Librarians are important for information and literacy, as they help people find and evaluate reliable and accurate information, and teach them how to use it effectively. Librarians are also important for community and inclusion, as they create and maintain spaces that are welcoming, safe, and accessible for everyone, regardless of their background, identity, or ability. Librarians are also important for research and innovation, as they assist researchers and innovators in finding, managing, and sharing information and data, and facilitate collaboration and communication.

What are the benefits of libraries and librarians?

Libraries and librarians provide many benefits for individuals and society, such as:

  • Supporting learning and education, by providing access to books and other learning resources, and supporting literacy and education initiatives.
  • Preserving and sharing culture and history, by collecting, organizing, and preserving books and other materials that reflect the history, culture, and diversity of humanity, and protecting and restoring cultural heritage.
  • Providing access and opportunity, by providing access to information and services that can improve people’s lives, livelihoods, and well-being, and empowering people and communities to achieve their goals and aspirations, and overcome their challenges and barriers.
  • Fostering community and inclusion, by creating and maintaining spaces that are welcoming, safe, and accessible for everyone, regardless of their background, identity, or ability, and fostering community and inclusion initiatives.
  • Promoting democracy and human rights, by helping people find and evaluate reliable and accurate information, and challenging false and biased information, and fighting misinformation and censorship, and advocating for public good and social change.
  • Supporting research and innovation, by assisting researchers and innovators in finding, managing, and sharing information and data, and facilitating collaboration and communication, and supporting research and innovation initiatives.
  • Inspiring curiosity and imagination, by exposing people to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, and encouraging them to explore and learn, and inspiring curiosity and imagination initiatives.
  • Bridging gaps and connecting dots, by linking people, information, and resources across different domains, disciplines, and sectors, and facilitating interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration and exchange, and bridging gaps and connecting dots initiatives.
  • Leading and inspiring, by demonstrating vision, passion, and commitment, and motivating and empowering others to follow and join them in their mission and vision, and leading and inspiring initiatives.
  • Having fun and enjoying, by finding joy and satisfaction in their work and life, and celebrating their achievements and successes, as well as those of their users and colleagues, and having fun and enjoying initiatives.

Now that we have some basic information about librarians and libraries, let us move on to the 15 ways that librarians are making the world a better place.

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Librarians promote literacy and education

One of the most important ways that librarians can save the world is by promoting literacy and education. Literacy is the ability to read and write, and education is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills. Both literacy and education are essential for personal and social development, as they can improve health, income, and civic participation.

Librarians help people learn to read and write, and provide access to books and other learning resources. Librarians also support literacy and education initiatives, such as book clubs, reading programs, tutoring services, etc. For example, librarians in Pakistan have launched a project called “Read to Lead”, which aims to improve the reading skills and habits of children and youth in rural areas. Librarians in the project provide books, tablets, and training to local teachers and volunteers, who then conduct reading sessions and activities for the students.

Librarians preserve cultural heritage

Another way that librarians can save the world is by preserving cultural heritage. Cultural heritage is the legacy of the past that reflects the history, culture, and diversity of humanity. Cultural heritage can be tangible, such as books, manuscripts, artifacts, etc., or intangible, such as languages, traditions, customs, etc. Cultural heritage is important for identity, memory, and understanding, as it helps us to know who we are, where we come from, and how we relate to others.

Librarians collect, organize, and preserve books and other materials that reflect the cultural heritage of humanity. Librarians also protect and restore cultural heritage, such as digitizing rare manuscripts, archiving oral histories, curating exhibitions, etc. For example, librarians in Mali have saved thousands of ancient manuscripts from destruction by extremists, by hiding them in secret locations, transporting them to safer places, and digitizing them for preservation and access.

Librarians fight misinformation and censorship

A third way that librarians can save the world is by fighting misinformation and censorship. Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread intentionally or unintentionally, and censorship is the suppression or restriction of information that is considered objectionable or harmful. Both misinformation and censorship can undermine democracy, human rights, and social justice, as they can manipulate public opinion, distort facts, and silence voices.

Librarians help people find and evaluate reliable and accurate information, and challenge false and biased information. Librarians also fight misinformation and censorship, such as teaching information literacy skills, advocating for intellectual freedom, exposing propaganda, etc. For example, librarians in Myanmar have joined the civil disobedience movement against the military coup, by sharing and verifying information, raising awareness and mobilizing action, and resisting censorship and surveillance.

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Librarians foster community and inclusion

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A fourth way that librarians can save the world is by fostering community and inclusion. Community is the sense of belonging and connection that people have with each other, and inclusion is the state of being accepted and valued regardless of one’s background, identity, or ability. Both community and inclusion are essential for social capital, trust, and solidarity, as they can enhance cooperation, collaboration, and mutual support.

Librarians create and maintain spaces that are welcoming, safe, and accessible for everyone, regardless of their background, identity, or ability. Librarians also foster community and inclusion, such as hosting events, programs, and services that celebrate diversity, encourage dialogue, and support marginalized groups, etc. For example, librarians in Canada have created a program called “Human Library”, which allows people to borrow and talk to human books, who are people with different experiences, perspectives, and stories, such as refugees, immigrants, LGBTQ+ people, etc.

Librarians support research and innovation

A fifth way that librarians can save the world is by supporting research and innovation. Research is the systematic investigation and exploration of a topic or problem, and innovation is the creation and implementation of new ideas, products, or processes. Both research and innovation are vital for knowledge, discovery, and creativity, as they can advance science, technology, and society.

Librarians assist researchers and innovators in finding, managing, and sharing information and data, and facilitate collaboration and communication. Librarians also support research and innovation, such as providing access to databases, journals, and tools, offering guidance and training, managing repositories and open access, etc. For example, librarians in the Netherlands have developed a tool called “101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication”, which maps and analyzes the trends and changes in the scholarly communication landscape, such as new platforms, services, and workflows.

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Librarians inspire curiosity and imagination

A sixth way that librarians can save the world is by inspiring curiosity and imagination. Curiosity is the desire to learn and know more, and imagination is the ability to form and visualize new ideas and possibilities. Both curiosity and imagination are crucial for learning and growth, as they can enrich people’s lives, minds, and spirits.

Librarians stimulate people’s curiosity and imagination by exposing them to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, and encouraging them to explore and learn. Librarians also inspire curiosity and imagination, such as recommending books and other media, creating displays and collections, organizing activities and challenges, etc. For example, librarians in the UK have launched a campaign called “A Million Stories”, which invites people to share and listen to stories from different cultures and countries, and to discover the diversity and richness of Europe.

Librarians empower people and communities

A seventh way that librarians can save the world is by empowering people and communities. Empowerment is the process of increasing one’s capacity and agency to achieve one’s goals and aspirations, and overcome one’s challenges and barriers. Empowerment is essential for transformation, as it can improve people’s lives, livelihoods, and well-being.

Librarians empower people and communities by providing them with the information, skills, and opportunities they need to achieve their goals and aspirations, and overcome their challenges and barriers. Librarians also empower people and communities, such as helping them access information and services, develop skills and competencies, participate in decision-making and advocacy, etc. For example, librarians in Kenya have established a project called “Sauti ya Mtaa”, which means “Voice of the Street”, which empowers street children and youth by providing them with information, education, and life skills, and by enabling them to express their views and needs through radio and social media.

Librarians bridge gaps and connect dots

An eighth way that librarians can save the world is by bridging gaps and connecting dots. Bridging gaps is the act of linking people, information, and resources across different domains, disciplines, and sectors, and connecting dots is the act of integrating information and resources from different sources and formats, and creating new insights and solutions. Both bridging gaps and connecting dots are beneficial for synergy, efficiency, and impact, as they can enhance collaboration, communication, and innovation.

Librarians bridge gaps and connect dots by linking people, information, and resources across different domains, disciplines, and sectors, and facilitating interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration and exchange. Librarians also bridge gaps and connect dots, such as connecting people with experts, partners, and mentors, integrating information and resources from different sources and formats, creating networks and platforms for collaboration and exchange, etc. For example, librarians in the US have created a network called “Libraries Without Borders”, which connects libraries and librarians around the world, and provides them with information, resources, and support to address global issues and challenges, such as poverty, health, education, etc.

Librarians advocate for public good and social change

A ninth way that librarians can save the world is by advocating for public good and social change. Public good is the benefit or interest of the public or society as a whole, and social change is the alteration or transformation of the social order or structure. Both public good and social change are essential for progress and justice, as they can improve the conditions and outcomes of people and communities.

Librarians advocate for public good and social change by raising awareness and mobilizing action on issues that affect the public interest and the common good, such as education, health, environment, etc. Librarians also advocate for public good and social change, such as organizing campaigns, events, and initiatives, partnering with organizations and movements, influencing policies and practices, etc. For example, librarians in Australia have launched a campaign called “Renew Our Libraries”, which aims to secure funding and support for public libraries, and to demonstrate their value and impact for the public good.

Librarians adapt and innovate

A tenth way that librarians can save the world is by adapting and innovating. Adapting is the act of adjusting or modifying one’s behavior or actions to suit new or changing situations or conditions, and innovating is the act of introducing or applying new ideas, products, or processes. Both adapting and innovating are important for agility and resilience, as they can help librarians to face challenges and opportunities.

Librarians adapt and innovate by responding to the changing needs and expectations of their users and communities, and embracing new technologies and trends. Librarians also adapt and innovate, such as adopting new models and methods of service delivery, developing new skills and competencies, experimenting with new tools and solutions, etc. For example, librarians in Singapore have developed a service called “Library on Wheels”, which is a mobile library that brings books and other resources to the doorstep of the users, especially those who are elderly, disabled, or living in remote areas.

Librarians celebrate and share stories

An eleventh way that librarians can save the world is by celebrating and sharing stories. Stories are narratives or accounts of events or experiences that convey meaning and emotion. Stories are powerful for learning and growth, as they can capture the experiences, emotions, and insights of people and communities, and inspire others to learn and grow.

Librarians celebrate and share stories by collecting, preserving, and disseminating stories that matter. Librarians also celebrate and share stories, such as recording and documenting stories, creating and hosting storytelling events, publishing and distributing stories, etc. For example, librarians in India have created a project called “Storyweaver”, which is an online platform that allows anyone to create, read, and share stories in different languages, formats, and levels, and to reach millions of children and adults around the world.

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Librarians nurture and mentor

A twelfth way that librarians can save the world is by nurturing and mentoring. Nurturing is the act of caring for and encouraging the growth and development of someone or something, and mentoring is the act of advising and guiding someone, especially a less experienced person. Both nurturing and mentoring are beneficial for development and growth, as they can support the personal and professional development of librarians and their users and colleagues, and help them achieve their full potential.

Librarians nurture and mentor by supporting the personal and professional development of their users and colleagues and helping them achieve their full potential. Librarians also nurture and mentor, such as providing feedback and advice, offering coaching and mentoring, facilitating learning and growth, etc. For example, librarians in South Africa have established a program called “Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) Mentorship Programme”, which aims to develop and empower librarians and information professionals, especially the young and emerging ones, by providing them with mentors who can guide and support them in their career and life.

Librarians collaborate and cooperate

A thirteenth way that librarians can save the world is by collaborating and cooperating. Collaborating is the act of working together with others to achieve a common goal or objective, and cooperating is the act of acting or working together with others for a mutual benefit or interest. Both collaborating and cooperating are essential for teamwork and partnership, as they can enhance cooperation, collaboration, and mutual support.

Librarians collaborate and cooperate by working together with other librarians and information professionals, as well as with other stakeholders and partners, to achieve common goals and objectives, and enhance their impact and reach. Librarians also collaborate and cooperate, such as forming and joining associations and networks, participating in projects and programs, sharing and exchanging information and resources, etc. For example, librarians in Europe have created a network called “Public Libraries 2030”, which connects public libraries and librarians across Europe and provides them with opportunities and resources to collaborate and cooperate on various topics and issues, such as digital inclusion, social innovation, lifelong learning, etc.

Librarians lead and inspire

A fourteenth way that librarians can save the world is by leading and inspiring. Leading is the act of directing or influencing others to follow or join one’s mission and vision and inspiring is the act of motivating and empowering others to act or think in a certain way. Both leading and inspiring are important for leadership and inspiration, as they can drive change and make a difference.

Librarians lead and inspire by demonstrating vision, passion, and commitment, and motivating and empowering others to follow and join them in their mission and vision. Librarians also lead and inspire, such as setting and pursuing goals and strategies, creating and communicating vision and values, inspiring and engaging others, etc. For example, librarians in the US have created a movement called “EveryLibrary”, which is the first and only national organization dedicated to building voter support for libraries, and to inspiring and empowering librarians and library supporters to become effective advocates and leaders for their libraries.

Librarians have fun and enjoy

A fifteenth and final way that librarians can save the world is by having fun and enjoying. Having fun is the act of finding joy and satisfaction in one’s work and life, and enjoying is the act of celebrating one’s achievements and successes, as well as those of one’s users and colleagues. Both having fun and enjoying are essential for happiness and enjoyment, as they can enrich one’s work and life.

Librarians have fun and enjoy by finding joy and satisfaction in their work and life, and celebrating their achievements and successes, as well as those of their users and colleagues. Librarians also have fun and enjoy, such as having fun and relaxing activities, expressing gratitude and appreciation, recognizing and rewarding achievements and successes, etc. For example, librarians in New Zealand have created a festival called “LIANZA Conference”, which is an annual event that brings together librarians and information professionals from different sectors and regions, and provides them with opportunities and resources to have fun and enjoy, such as learning and networking, socializing and partying, awarding and celebrating, etc.


In this article, you have read 15 ways by which librarians can save the world, from promoting literacy and education to preserving cultural heritage  and fighting misinformation and censorship, and more. You have seen how librarians are superheroes who use their skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the world in many ways.

Librarians are not just people who lend books, they are also agents of change who can make a difference. They are superheroes in disguise, and they deserve our appreciation and support.

If you are a librarian, be proud of your role and keep up the good work. If you are not a librarian, appreciate and support your librarians, and join them in their mission to save the world.


Q: What are some of the skills and competencies that librarians need to save the world?

A: Some of the skills and competencies that librarians need to save the world include information literacy, digital literacy, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, innovation, leadership, and more.

Q: How can I become a librarian and join the superhero team?

A: To become a librarian, you need to have a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in library and information science, or a related field. You also need to have relevant work experience and certification, depending on the type and level of librarianship you want to pursue.

Q: What are some of the challenges and opportunities that librarians face in saving the world?

A: Some of the challenges that librarians face in saving the world include budget cuts, staff shortages, changing user needs and expectations, technological changes and disruptions, etc. Some of the opportunities that librarians face in saving the world include expanding their roles and responsibilities, reaching new and diverse audiences, collaborating and partnering with other sectors and stakeholders, innovating and experimenting with new services and solutions, etc.

Q: How can I support and appreciate my librarians and their work?

A: You can support and appreciate your librarians and their work by visiting and using your local library and its services, by donating books and other materials or funds to your library, by volunteering or joining your library’s friends group or board, by spreading the word and promoting your library and its value and impact, by thanking and praising your librarians and their work, by giving feedback and suggestions to improve your library and its services, etc.

Q: Where can I find more information and resources about librarians and libraries?

A: You can find more information and resources about librarians and libraries by visiting the websites and social media accounts of various library associations and organizations, such as the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the American Library Association (ALA), the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA), etc. You can also find more information and resources by searching the web using Bing, the best search engine for finding and accessing information and resources about librarians and libraries.

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